Welcome to our Knowledge Hub!
In the Local Policies section you will find a compilation of local government policies on human rights, the right to the city, housing and other key topics for local social inclusion and participatory democracy agendas. Our search engine will allow you to select practices according to more specific categories or types of contents, including more than sixty case studies developed within the Inclusive Cities Observatory initiative (a joint endeavour by the UCLG-CSIPDHR, the University College of London and the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra). The Resources section of this Knowledge Hub gathers useful publications, policy documents, international declarations and valuable learning resources.
We hope you find these resources inspiring: Reach us to know more about any of them!

Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.

A look into a consolidate local human rights system. Interview taken in 2018.

Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.

Fostering a new approach to agriculture through participatory planning. Case study written in 2010.

San Francisco's experience in localizing the UN CEDAW Treaty. Case study written in 2010.

A Local Public Health Strategy implemented in Recife. Case study written in 2010.

An overview of Utrecht's human rights initiatives and innovations. Interview taken in 2020.

Overview of Seoul's local human rights plan implementation.

A community mediation program in Malawi's rural countryside. Case study written in 2010.

Cazenga's Support Centre Legal Office. Case study written in 2010.

An overview of London's non-discrimination policies. Case study written in 2007.

Promoting Human Rights Culture through Local Campaigning and Awareness Raising.

Guaranteeing universal access to maternal health. Case study written in 2010.

Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.

Meet the Mahatma Gandhi job-guarantee scheme. Case study written in 2010.

Participatory monitoring of Terrassa's commitment towards the European Human Rights in the City Charter.

Mainstreaming the rights-based approach and fostering inclusion in Brazil's largest city.

A successful cooperative scheme to locally address drug addiction based on public health. Case study written in 2011.

Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.

Local council for human rights protection. It brings together Quito's local government and human rights defenders.

A pioneer local human rights office focused on awareness-raising, non-discrimination and historical memory.

Supporting victims of trauma, violence and extreme violence. Case study written in 2010.

Livelihood assistance, agrarian reform and youth development. Case study written in 2007.

A local ombudsperson promoting transparency and citizen participation in Bogotá's local government.

An innovative, multi-stakeholder mechanism to monitor discrimination from a local point of view.

A pioneer initiative in advancing human rights at the local level, focusing on non-discrimination and equality.

Strengthening relationships among human rights city organizers and local advocates in the United States.

Explore the guiding principles of Barcelona's human rights policy!

Interview with the Deputy Mayor responsible for the implementation of the plan.

A local centre facilitated by the local government of Granollers aimed at promoting human rights and peace culture.

An annual prize for human rights defenders which also provides protection and support to human rights defenders who are at risk.

A human rights solidarity initiative by local governments from the Catalan Fund for Cooperation (Fons Català).

Long-term unemployed excluded from the labour market were trained as social workers. Case study written in 2010.

An innovative policy mechanism aimed at protecting and promoting the human rights of all Barcelona residents.

A look into the municipal human rights protection system of Barcelona. Case study written in 2010.
[ Click here to read the case study ]
An overview of local human rights implementation in Indonesia, with a focus on the Wonosobo Regency experience.

The city of Charleroi, in Belgium, counts with an advance local omdusperson institution fostering proximity-based access to justice.

Barcelona´s methodological guide on the City’s experience as a “human rights city”

The transformation of social inclusion policies in 2020: Pichincha
Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.
Achievements and Challenges of Gwangju's Human Rights City
Implementing a human rights agenda in Gwangju.

Vienna's Local Human Rights Strategy
A look into a consolidate local human rights system. Interview taken in 2018.

The transformation of social inclusion policies in 2020: Vienna
Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.

The "Three Reductions, Three Gains" approach
Fostering a new approach to agriculture through participatory planning. Case study written in 2010.

Locally Guaranteeing Women's Rights
San Francisco's experience in localizing the UN CEDAW Treaty. Case study written in 2010.

The City Academy Programme: Public Health
A Local Public Health Strategy implemented in Recife. Case study written in 2010.

Promoting human rights from the local to the global levels
An overview of Utrecht's human rights initiatives and innovations. Interview taken in 2020.

Seoul's local human rights strategy
Overview of Seoul's local human rights plan implementation.

Promoting Social Cohesion and Protecting Rights
A community mediation program in Malawi's rural countryside. Case study written in 2010.

Fostering Access to Mediation Services and Human Rights
Cazenga's Support Centre Legal Office. Case study written in 2010.