About this Work Area
The right to the city has become a key concept within ongoing discussions dealing with social transformation and urbanization. This section will help you know more about how and why did local governments’ engage with the right to the city over the last decade, focusing on transformative municipalism and sustainable development debates. It also explores emerging ideas and proposals on how to advance more inclusive and democratic cities through local action.
Our Work
Building on the outcomes of debates held between local governments and civil society over time, our Committee has become a paramount meeting point for the global promotion of the right to the city from a local government perspective. The CSIPDHR organizes political debates, advocacy initiatives and learning events to promote this concept within local and global agendas, while bridging right to the city discussions with other transformative visions of urban governance.
Local Initiatives
Local governments participating in our Committee have developed very relevant and innovative policy experiences on the ground. Indeed, these local commitments have been a cornerstone for their participation in international networking initiatives on human rights and the right to the city. This section will allow you to explore some of these relevant policy experiences more in-depth, including profiles to some of the most active local governments of our network.