Building on the outcomes of international debates held between local governments and civil society over more than two decades, our Committee has become a paramount meeting point for advancing the recognition and implementation of the right to the city from a local government perspective. The UCLG-CSIPDHR organizes political debates, advocacy initiatives and learning events to promote this concept within local government and global agendas. Our Committee also focuses on bridging right to the city discussions with other transformative visions of urban governance.
« Bringing about the right to the city in urban territories worldwide »
Click the folding screens below to know more about our action plan on the right to the city.
Promoting the right to the city within the world organization of local governments (UCLG) to advance its concrete implementation and recognition in global agendas.
As part of the world organization of local governments, our Committee contributes to connect the valuable outcomes of local government and civil society discussions on the right to the city to UCLG global agendas and advocacy strategy.
Local governments can collectively assess those challenges they experience in regards to right to the city issues. The Committee platform can also help launch joint initiatives addressed to the whole UCLG membership.
The UCLG Policy Council on the Right to the City is one of the most relevant mechanisms by which Committee members can influence the World Organization’s agenda and priorities on urban equality and human rights issues.

Supporting the “International Observatory on Violence against Women (VAWG)” initiative, gathering local government efforts to address this phenomenon in urban territories worldwide.
This initiative is led by Seine Saint Denis, a co-president local government of our Committee with consolidated policy experiences in addressing VAWG. It is also supported by the French Development Agency.
UCLG is a key partner of this initiative, connecting the Seine Saint Denis local experience and decentralized cooperation network with the World Organization of local governments.
Our Committee is charged with building an international cooperation agenda for this project, fostering exchanges between local governments and women rights defenders across the world.
Know more about this project here
Fostering dialogue with civil society to jointly address and propose solutions to emerging urban equality issues in local agendas, inspired by the right to the city approach.
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) is the main organization gathering civil society and grassroots initiatives on the right to the city across the world. It is the main partner of the CSIPDHR in the right to the city agenda.
Our Committee and the Platform have a long history of cooperation. This allowed to form valuable alliances and disseminate inspiring community-led initiatives and emerging approaches on right to the city issues.
Our Committee also collaborates with the GPR2C in carrying out advocacy strategies and initiatives at a global level. These are mainly focused on monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and New Urban Agenda.
Building a transformative approach of participatory democracy in partnership with the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD).
Committee members have a rich experience with regards to innovative participatory democracy practices. Accordingly, the UCLG-CSIPDHR promotes transformative approaches to participatory democracy that can help bring about the right to the city vision through the co-creation of inclusive and accessible cities and human settlements.
We do so on the basis of our consolidated partnership with the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD): the main consultation mechanism of UCLG with regards to participatory democracy issues. The CSIPDHR and the IOPD cooperate through the organization of joint debates and events held during the annual conference of the IOPD.
The CSIPDHR participates also in the jury of the IOPD Distinction “Best Practice in Citizen Participation” and contributes to disseminate those relevant practices for the advancement of the right to the city.

Fostering debate and learning on metropolization from a social inclusion and spatial justice perspective in partnership with the Peripheral Local Authorities Forum (FALP).
Metropolization and spatial justice have always been a key topic in local government discussions on the right to the city over the last decades. This includes de promotion of urban equality and polycentric metropolitan areas.
Our Committee cooperates with the Peripheral Local Authorities Forum (FALP) in organizing debates and learning events bringing together the experience of local governments from across the world.