Learning with local governments in the Euromediterranean region and beyond on migration governance and how to build inclusion pathways through local policy-making.

The Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project (MC2CM) offers local governments with an opportunity to take part in peer to peer learning events focused on supporting inclusive migration governance at the local level.

The MC2CM project is implemented by ICMPD and UCLG and UN Habitat as partner organizations. It focuses on promoting local government dialogue through peer learning events on specific themes that are central for local policies.

The UCLG-CSIPDHR takes an active role in the project by mobilizing local governments and relevant stakeholders. It also fosters the link between the project and specific thematic areas that are a priority for CSIPDHR members.


Supporting local government collective action at an international level, advocating for the key role of rights-based approaches in the local and global governance of migration.

Many Committee members’ have supported the advocacy agenda of UCLG on migration governance since 2018, mainly developed around the Global Compact on Migration process.

Various political debates and campaigns connecting human rights and right to the city approaches with the local and global governance of migration were organized by the Committee in this context.

Organizing political debates and learning events to explore emerging priorities by local governments on migration and social inclusion.

Over the last years, the Committee has facilitated spaces of political exchange on a wide range of thematic issues that expanded the policy agenda of the UCLG constituency on migration and inclusion.

Issues dealt in this context include:

Iztapalapa Sousse