Local governments and the right to housing
Enjoying access to adequate housing is an essential condition to achieve a full right to the city. However, many cities across the world still come across numerous challenges preventing the human right to housing from becoming a reality for all its residents. This section will help you know more about the role of local governments in advancing the implementation of the right to housing. It provides a historical background and a glossary of key terms and concepts.
Our Work
The UCLG-CSIPDHR offers a platform for local governments to share housing-related challenges and innovative solutions aimed at advancing the implementation of the right to housing for all. Over time, this platform has allowed local governments to address the right to housing in connection to pressing issues at the local level. This conversation has benefited from partnerships with key global stakeholders on the right to housing, including the UN Human Rights.
Local Initiatives
Local governments participating in our Committee have developed very relevant and innovative policy experiences on the ground. Indeed, these local commitments have been a cornerstone for their participation in international networking initiatives on human rights and the right to the city. This section will allow you to explore some of these relevant policy experiences more in-depth, including profiles to some of the most active local governments of our network.