Welcome to our Knowledge Hub!
In the Local Policies section you will find a compilation of local government policies on human rights, the right to the city, housing and other key topics for local social inclusion and participatory democracy agendas. Our search engine will allow you to select practices according to more specific categories or types of contents, including more than sixty case studies developed within the Inclusive Cities Observatory initiative (a joint endeavour by the UCLG-CSIPDHR, the University College of London and the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra). The Resources section of this Knowledge Hub gathers useful publications, policy documents, international declarations and valuable learning resources.
We hope you find these resources inspiring: Reach us to know more about any of them!

A pioneer initiative developing a territorial system for addressing VAWG and protecting its victims

Barcelona's municipal service to protect women victim from violence.

Recognizing urban agriculture as a permanent and legitimate activity. Case study written in 2010.

Long-term plan to support the City's policy on youth. Case study written in 2010.

Insights on Vancouver's Social Development Plan. Case study written in 2007.

Bringing light and income to poor farmers. Case study written in 2010.

A local skate policy based on dialogue and cooperation. Case study written in 2010.

Empowering and supporting informal workers livelihoods. Case study written in 2010.

A community education program focusing on waste management. Case study written in 2007.

Sustainable development in Santarem. Case study written in 2010.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Responsible Tourism. Case study written in 2010.

Policy innovation in Saint Denis focused on participation and inclusion. Case study written in 2007.

Fostering social inclusion and sustainable development. Case study written in 2007.

Fostering social cohesion and participatory upgrading in Port Philip. Case study written in 2010.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

The case of the (former) region of Poitou-Charentes. Case study written in 2010.

A participatory democracy scheme implemented in Palmela. Case study written in 2007.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

A Local Desk Service Supports Women's Empowerment. Case study written in 2010.
Interview taken in 2017.

Integrating and enabling people with disabilities. Case study written in 2010.

Building a sustainable community based on socio-ecological adaption. Case study written in 2010.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

The General Union of agricultural and Livestock Cooperatives. Case study written in 2010.

Part of the COVID-19 interview series by the UCLG-CSIPDHR.

Bringing together human rights defenders and local governments.

The variable geometry of participation in VA SYD Water. Case study written in 2010.

Building the cultural cappacities of the local community. Case study written in 2010.

Local development scheme implemented in Marsh Farm. Case study written in 2010.

Sustainable development in Khong Chai (Thailand). Case study written in 2007.

Interview taken in 2017.

Fostering Youth People Inclusion and Participation. Case study written in 2007.

Mainstreaming accessibilty in Jérez de la Frontera. Case study written in 2010.

The Nagar Raj Bill Act fosters community-based governance. Case study written in 2010.

Supporting entrepeneurship among the local migrant community. Case study written in 2010.

An overview of housing and urban development policies implemented by Montevideo. Interview taken in 2018.

Fostering urban food production beyond times of crisis. Case study written in 2010.

A look into de Banco Palmas experience implemented in Fortaleza. Case study written in 2010.

A public policy with social inclusion and service improvement goals. Case study written in 2010.

Social inclusion at the city's periphery. Case study written in 2007.

Explore Madrid's local initiatives on digital democracy. Interview taken in 2017.

Grigny is mainstreaming the right to peace agenda through local action and global advocacy.

Fostering inclusion through an approach based on participation and human rights.
[ Click here to read the report ]

Held in Cotacachi (Ecuador). Case study written in 2007.

Transforming consumption, conservation and lifestyle. Case study written in 2010.

Advancing the ecological transition from the bottom-up! Case study written in 2010.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

A year-long arts, culture and community dialogue project held in Çanakkale. Case studywritten in 2010.

The audit allows libraries to better understand barriers to inclusion and accessibility. Case study written in 2010.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

Case study developed in the context of the "Bogotá Humana" Development Plan.

Case study developed in the context of the "Bogotá Humana" Development Plan.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

A community radio experience fostering social cohesion and youth empowerement in Bamako. Case study written in 2010.

Implementing a free public transport system to address spatial inequalities. Case study written in 2010.
[ Click here to read the case study ]

Design of a peri-urban natural corridor based on participatory methodologies. Case study written in 2010.

The Social Function of the Financial System
A look into de Banco Palmas experience implemented in Fortaleza. Case study written in 2010.

Municipalizing the Local Water Service in Eldoret
A public policy with social inclusion and service improvement goals. Case study written in 2010.

Public Laundries and Education Support for Women's Empowerment
Social inclusion at the city's periphery. Case study written in 2007.

Powering Urban Transformation through Digital Democracy
Explore Madrid's local initiatives on digital democracy. Interview taken in 2017.

Building a culture of peace from the bottom-up
Grigny is mainstreaming the right to peace agenda through local action and global advocacy.

Goicoechea's human development policy
Fostering inclusion through an approach based on participation and human rights.

A Participatory Budgeting Initiative Fostering Indigenous Women Empowerment
Held in Cotacachi (Ecuador). Case study written in 2007.

Cambieresti? Mainstreaming sustainability
Transforming consumption, conservation and lifestyle. Case study written in 2010.

Implementing a "Zero Waste" Strategy at a Local Level
Advancing the ecological transition from the bottom-up! Case study written in 2010.

Transforming the Cultural Policy of a City
A year-long arts, culture and community dialogue project held in Çanakkale. Case studywritten in 2010.

Social Inclusion Audit and Toolkit for Local Libraries
The audit allows libraries to better understand barriers to inclusion and accessibility. Case study written in 2010.

Local Policy on Ageing and Old People
Case study developed in the context of the "Bogotá Humana" Development Plan.