
More than 1,000 participants and 300 delegates attended the meeting gathering local governments in favour of another possible world. During the journey, different working groups…
The 11th Conference of the IOPD will take place in the city of Lleida, Spain, from 6 to 8 April 2011, and will deal with the issue of "ICT Technologies and Citizen Participation.…
Deadline: 1 March 2011 After six years of consolidation as the united voice of local and regional authorities worldwide, UCLG is looking for a new Secretary General to drive it…
The Committee´s first meeting in 2011 took place between 5 pm and 7 pm on 10 February at the Hotel des Almadies in Dakar. The session had a single theme and focused on…
The 2nd Assembly of the International Participatory Budgeting Platform will take place on 10 February from 9 am to 5 pm. This Platform brings together various networks of cities…
At the 9th FAL, and under the coordination of Nanterre (France), the World Forum of Peripheral Local Authorities (FALP) is organising a working session with peripheral African…
The ninth assembly of the Local Authorities Forum (FAL) for Social Inclusion and Participatory Democracy will take place on 8 February 2011 in Dakar (Senegal) during the World…
The UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights, in collaboration with the International Human Rights Secretariat of Nantes - Pays de la Loire (…
UCLG´s Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights sends you  Season´s Greetings and best wishes for 2011.
Last December 13-14, 2010, 11 cities from all the world gathered at the Palace of Aiete - House of Peace and Human Rights of San Sebastian upon invitation of its Mayor and…
The 3rd UCLG World Congress (Mexico City, 16 – 21 November 2010) ended with a renewal of the Committees´ mandate and the merger of the Decentralised Cooperation and City Diplomacy…
The second meeting of the Committee in 2010 took place on November 17 in Mexico D.F in the framework of UCLG´s Summit. 50 people attended the meeting representing thirty cities or…
The 2009 Annual Meeting of the Social Inclusion and Participative Democracy Committee (CISDP) took place in Reggio Emilia (Italy) on 21 November 2009. Unlike other years, in…
The World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders - 3rd UCLG World Congress was held in Mexico D.F from 17 to 20 November. More than 2,000 local governments from 114 countries…
The CSIPD organized one of the Summit´s parallel sessions on the issue of "Fighting against social exclusion - the right to the city and to solidarity-based metropolises". The…