
The Committee´s Working Group on "Human Rights and Local Governments" has recently been strengthened with the incorporation of the cities working on the European Charter on Human…
For the second year running, the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD) invited the CSIPD to be part of the International Jury for the 4th Distinction "Good…
The CSIPD will be holding its 2009 annual meeting on November 21st in Reggio Emilia (Italy). The meeting will take place on the occasion of the 9th IOPD Annual Conference, as a…
From September 9 to September 12 the municipality of São Bras de Alportel (Algarve, Portugal) hosted the Summer Course "Governation and participation challenging the crisis". This…
As announced in the previous newsletter, on June 30th the first meeting of the CSIPD Coordinating Group was held in Barcelona. The structure of this group was formally established…
Stemming from the proposal launched by the municipality of Córdoba (Spain) at the 2nd Biannual meeting 2008 of the CSIPD in Istanbul, the City Council of Barcelona has recently…
The UCLG World Secretariat, with the support of the CSIPD and other partners, participated in the call for proposals of the European Union (UE) named "Non-State Actors and local…
The draft of the World Charter-Agenda on Human Rights in the City, which was recently presented and discussed at the 8th World Assembly of the Local Authorities Forum, is…
This year, the Committee on Social Inclusion will be holding one annual meeting, taking place on November 21 in Reggio Emilia (Italy), within the framework of the 9th Annual…
In June, the first publication by the Committee on Social Inclusion and Participatory Democracy (CSIPD), For a world of inclusive cities will see the light of day. This document,…
The project "For Millennium cities and local governments: achieving the MDG´s at local level", presented by the UCLG World Secretariat with the support from the CSIPD and other…
The Social Inclusion Committee has played a lead role in preparing a political document on social inclusion that is the steering force for the promotion of inclusion policies…