On 28 January, the European Commission and UCLG signed the first partnership agreement on development cooperation. The networks of local and regional governments who signed this…
The municipality of Capannori assumed that, in a finite world, it is necessary to act to stop consuming natural resources, and that it was possible to do so acting at the local…
The Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights is pleased to inform you that a Global Platform on the Right to the City was created during…
In the background of this policy case, a general feeling of public mistrust towards the government after its failure in dealing with the economic crisis that occurred in Indonesia…
The publication highlights the need to localize the monitoring of the Agenda and proposes possible SDG indicators
In late 2014, UCLG commissioned a working paper on ‘How to…
The Agro-Extractive Settlement Project (PAE) is an agrarian reform territorial policy, granting exclusive collective use rights to traditional populations. Formerly created for…
The 19th Mercociudades Summit, held in Rosario, Argentina, from 3 to 5 December, saw the passing of the Rosario Declaration, which emphasised extending human rights and…
The Marsh Farm Community Empowerment Strategy, which began in the early 1990s, is an ongoing community-based regeneration program based on a ‘capacitation’ approach.
The City of Bogota was chosen during the UCLG World Council meeting in Rabat as the host of the next UCLG World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders in 2016.
After, Paris (2004),…
This November, the Swedish Government started up a European project worth 3.5 million euros aimed at providing support for the decentralisation process in Ukraine, one of the…
Antioquia, Bristol, Christchurch, Dakar and Hangzhou are the winners of the 2014 Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation. The results were announced on Friday 28…
VA SYD is a joint public company in the Region of Skåne that provides water, wastewater, and other services for Malmö, Lund, and other small cities. Launched in 1994 and finally…
The Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights is pleased to inform you that an updating process of the Agenda 21 for culture has been in progress…
We are pleased to announce that the Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights of UCLG has released its publication “Social Inclusion and…
The Metro Parks Tacoma ‘Program to Empower Marginalized Youth through Community Action and Inclusion’ (‘Skatepark Program’) plans and develops a network of public spaces designed…