
Capannori’s municipality (Italia) develops an economy based on the reduction of waste and civic participation

The municipality of Capannori assumed that, in a finite world, it is necessary to act to stop consuming natural resources, and that it was possible to do so acting at the local level. The administration of Capannori has developed many instruments and activities to reduce its ecological footprint.

Capannori is the first municipality in Italy that adhered to the Zero Waste Strategy (in 2007), an international initiative used by some municipalities in the world that aims to reduce to (near) zero the quantity and the dangerousness of waste: ‘Zero Waste is a goal that is ethical, economical, efficient and visionary, to guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices to emulate sustainable natural cycles, where all discarded materials are designed to become resources for others to use’ (Zero Waste International Alliance).

This practice is always associated with some form of citizen participation. The municipality of Capannori held many public assemblies and involved some local NGOs to manage the new policy, obtaining general approval by the population. In the first phase of extending the new waste collecting system, some problems occurred, but they were debated in public assemblies during which people pointed out their difficulties: listening to the people was important to obtain direct feedback about the effects of the new strategy in the territory and to regulate and adjust the actions in process.

The environmental policy of Capannori is developed through many different activities, including: introducing waste prevention practices (e.g., home composting; ‘green public procurement’; actions against packaging for water, milk, and detergents; and refectories without plastic dishes), introducing ecological diapers and sanitary towels, reusing items (e.g., through second-hand markets), and recycling waste. The collection of waste and recycling is based on the responsibility of all inhabitants: with the developing of a door-to-door collecting system and the elimination of road bins for garbage, they are the core actors to make the process possible and they are called to act directly in the management of household refuse.

After an experimental period in 2005, the door-to-door collecting system was extended, step-by-step, until June 2010, when it reached all town inhabitants. Today, the project is running successfully and it is developing new goals and new initiatives.


The policy was initially funded by the Municipality, and afterwards it was self-financing through the savings of public funds obtained by reducing undifferentiated waste and selling materials for recycling


Economically, it is a sustainable project. The project is also sustainable in social terms: from the beginning to 2010, about 50 persons were employed by the public company to manage the waste collecting system. Environmental sustainability is enhanced through different goals reached: the actions developed have led to a relevant reduction of urban waste produced daily per capita (from 1.92 kg to 1.4 kg between 2004 and 2009) and have raised recycling rates to around 80%. 

It is confirming Capannori’s position as one of the best municipalities in Tuscany and in Italy for its recycling rate. The environmental policy continues to develop additional interventions and it is strengthening the Institutionalization process through, for instance, adhering to the Agenda 21 programme. 

For more information, please consult the full case studySee the whole case study

For more information: Inclusive Cities Observatory