
Results for Urban Equality

What is a Human Rights City? “A Human Rights city is both a local community and a socio-political process in a local context where human rights play a key role as fundamental…
On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, our Committee organized an online exchange meeting on the Charter of Values, a document aimed at reflecting the shared values of our local authorities…
The United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy, and Human Rights, in collaboration with the UN Human Rights Institute and…
World Water Day: Water for Peace The universality of human rights starts at the local level! The municipalities of Quilmes, Almirante Brown, Avellaneda, Florencio Varela and…
On 20 September, UCLG and our Committee facilitated the online consultation "Cities for Adequate Housing" in the framework of the Community of Practice on Housing, which brought…
Located on the eastern periphery of Mexico City, the municipality of Iztapalapa is the gateway for the entire poor population of the southeast of the country and for the…
Homelessness is one of the most severe problems currently facing cities and regions around the world, undermining people’s opportunities to live prosperous lives and eroding the…
Considering the renewed leadership in view of the implementation of the Pact for the Future at the Daejeon Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the Executive…
The Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights of United Cities and Local Governments (CSIPDHR-UCLG) participated in the World Forum Cities and…
The Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG-CSIPDHR) with its co-chair from Gwangju Metropolitan…
The sixth edition of the GOLD report  produced by UCLG will be launched during the UCLG World Congress, which will take place in Daejeon (Republic of Korea), in October 2022…
Last December 1st, our Committee organized the special session “Municipalism, social movements and feminist approaches”. The event highlighted local government perspectives on…
The “Femmes du Monde” Seminar (Women of the World) held in Seine Saint Denis from 22 to 29 November saw the launch of the “Caring territories for women victims of  violence”…
The International Observatory on Violence against Women and Girls gathers local government efforts to address VAWG in urban territories worldwide. This is an initiative promoted…
The fourth edition of the Transformative Cities award is looking forward to receiving a good number of submissions by local governments implementing projects related to social…