
Results for Participatory Democracy

Our Co-Presidents Grigny and Seine-Saint-Denis, and members of our committee, such as Pichincha, Cologne, Nantes, the network of Young Elected Local Officials of Africa (YELO),…
A Global Space to Boost Local Leadership and So So So Solidarité (Solidarity) More than 50 local leaders and experts gathered in Seine-Saint-Denis, France, to highlight the…
The United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy, and Human Rights, in collaboration with the UN Human Rights Institute and…
The sixth edition of the GOLD report  produced by UCLG will be launched during the UCLG World Congress, which will take place in Daejeon (Republic of Korea), in October 2022…
Last December 1st, our Committee organized the special session “Municipalism, social movements and feminist approaches”. The event highlighted local government perspectives on…
A delegation of the UCLG-CSIPDHR attended the 20th edition of the annual conference of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy Conference, held in Cocody (Ivory…
At the Occasion of International Democracy Day UCLG recalls the need for a new generation of participatory local democracy On the occasion of the International Day of Democracy…
Local governments adopt participatory democracy practices to empower civil society, better include marginalized groups and build more accountable and inclusive institutions.…
An MC2CM Peer Learning event held last March 16-18 by Grenoble addressed the concept of “local inclusive citizenship” in connection to the social inclusion of migrant residents.…
Following the key messages shared by Mexico City, Montreal and Barcelona in their open letter on the Right to the City for Women (2019, March 8), the CSIPDHR proposed the special…
The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy held on December 7, 8, 9 and 10 its Annual Conference in Iztapalapa, Mexico City. Hundreds of participants, both from…
The 2019 edition of the UCLG Congress, held in the South African city of Durban from 11 to 15 November, has provided local governments gathered in the framework of the UCLG…
Local democracy has gained weight in the agendas of local government, UCLG and other international organizations throughout 2018. In November, and on the occasion of its…
The report "Competitive Metropolises and the Prospects for Spatial Justice: the role of metropolitan areas within the global agenda of local and regional governments for the 21st…
From 16 to 18 November, the City Council of Madrid and MediaLab Prado organized the Conference “Democratic Cities”. It was held in Madrid in partnership with the UCLG Committee on…