A forthcoming MOOC will bring together the expertise of member-local governments and partners to co-create a full study program on human rights at the local level. The first outcomes of this project are set to be launched in late 2021. This initiative has been promoted by the UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights (UCLG-CSIPDHR) and the UCLG Learning.
The MOOC on human rights at the local level will provide compelling online learning resources on local human rights policies and international action. It will showcase the existing wealth of policy experiences by member-local governments. It will be open to the participation of all interested local governments and beyond, wishing to better understand how to develop a more concrete action plan on human rights at the local level.
For the first time, the entire UCLG constituency will count with a global study program on human rights based on local practices. More precisely, the MOOC on human rights at the local level will cover the following learning blocks:
- Introduction to the “Local Governments and Human Rights” agenda
- Implementing the rights-based approach through local policy-making
- Exploring thematic priorities and emerging agendas
- Local governments and the United Nations: Human rights cooperation
- Co-creating the human rights city and the right to the city
- Local government international cooperation on human rights
This initiative will be developed by the UCLG-CSIPDHR and the UCLG Learning in partnership with several organizations widely recognised for their expertise with regards to human rights and local governments. Other partners will join as part of the extended learning community on human rights at the local level. More information about these organizations and the study program will be provided in future updates.
Are you interested in this initiative? Would you like to see your policy reflected in its program? Would you be interested in joining the UCLG learning community on human rights? Reach cisdp1@uclg.org to express your interest.