
UCLG signs Memorandum Of Understanding with International Labour Organization


As Local Economic and Social Development are increasing priority in local governments agenda, UCLG has signed aMemorandum of Understanding with the United Nations International Labour Organization ILO.

The ILO is the international organization responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labour standards. It is the only 'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers to jointly shape policies and programmes promotingDecent Work for all. This unique arrangement gives the ILO an edge in incorporating 'real world' knowledge about employment and work.

UCLG is looking forward to involve ILO in the agenda around Local Economic Development and job creation, not only positioning these topics in the joint political agenda, but also in practical areas such as knowledge sharing and learning between cities or other mutually complementary activities. Both organization  look forward to contribute to extended knowledge and innovation around topics such as employment, informality and youth.

The agreement was signed by  the Secretary General  Mr Juan Somavia and by Secretary General Mr Josep Roig.

First practical cooperation will take place in Mozambique, where the organization supports the city of Maputo toidentify challenges and opportunities for informal street vendors and markets.