
New websites of Local Finances and Urban Strategic Planning Committees to optimize networking towards Habitat III


The UCLG Committee on Local Finance and Development and the Committee on Urban Strategic Planning have launched two new websites with the aim of improving communication, information sharing and collaboration within the UCLG network.

These new websites offer an interactive and dynamic interface and all the content related to the work implemented by the Committees. With these projects, the UCLG network can share knowledge and discuss topics of interest in the field of local finances and urban strategic planning, two areas of interest for UCLG members.

Both websites are considered a means of communication and sharing knowledge about the activities of the committees aiming to bring awareness on the tools for decentralization and local governance, the importance on Urban Strategic Planning and Local Finance on our way towards Habitat III and UCLG World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders to be held in Bogota in 2016.

These websites are conceived in a pedagogical way; for example, Committee on Local Finance’s website dedicates a whole section to financial tools available for local collectivities. They are all described and accompanied by every pro and con. 

It all aims to strengthen UCLG networking in views of Habitat III especially for the committees, which need to be able to build common voices of UCLG member cities in different topics aiming to achieve fair and democratic territories for good living.

Visit the websites by following these links:


Source: UCLG