
International Award UCLG-Mexico City-Culture21’s 2nd edition is running

Until 15 March 2016 local and regional governments may submit candidacies to International Award UCLG-Mexico City-Culture21’s 2nd edition –which aims to recognise leading cities and individuals that have distinguished themselves through their contribution to culture as a key dimension in sustainable cities.

An award to recognise the rol of culture for sustainable development at local level

UCLG Committee on Culture, along with Mexico City, calls for candidacies to International Award UCLG-Mexico City-Culture21’s 2nd edition, which has two categories: the City / Local or Regional Government Award and the Individual Awards. The former recognises a city, local or regional government where the cultural policy has contributed significantly to linking the values 
of culture (heritage, diversity, creativity and transmission of knowledge) with democratic governance, citizen participation and sustainable development, whereas the latter recognises an internationally renowned individual who has made a funda­mental contribution to the relationship between culture and sustainable development.

The Award has the following objectives:

  • Ensure that the visibility of the relationship between city, culture and sustainable development is enhanced at an international level, in keeping with the strategic documents of UCLG.
  • Encourage cities of the world to adopt the principles of Agenda 21for culture, thereby bringing together and exchanging good practices in projects on cities, culture and sustainable development.
  • Strengthen the presence within UCLG of an innovative topic, giving continuity to the leadership launched by Mexico City in 2010 with the UCLG declaration “Culture: Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development”.


Agenda 21 and UCLG: culture as driver for sustainable development in cities

Agenda 21 for Culture, promoted all over the world by mayors, cities and local governments, is the first and only international document that recognises and encourages culture as a driver and enabler of sustainable development of cities. In January 2015 more than 580 cities and organisations were associated to it.

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) is the institutional promoter of the Agenda 21 for culture through its Committee on Culture – which is co-chaired by the cities of Lille-Métropole, Mexico, Montreal, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Angers and Milan. The first UCLG Culture Summit, held in Bilbao in March 2015, adopted the document “Culture 21 Actions”, which provides detailed guidance for cities interested in the design, implementation and evaluation of cultural policies related to sustainable development, as well as opportunities for knowledge exchange and peer learning.

The international agreements (UN Sustainable Development Goals, Habitat III’s New Habitat Agenda) are implemented at local level , addressing the great challenges of sustainable development: environmental balance, cultural vitality, social justice, economic progress and inclusive governance.



  • 5 December 2015: Launch of the Call.
  • 15 March 2016: Deadline for applications’ submissions.
  • June 2016: Selection of winners
  • Late 2016: Awarding ceremony in Mexico City

You will find all the information concerning the Award here.


Source: UCLG Committee on Culture