
Committee’s participation in the UCLG Executive Bureau in Porto Alegre

The first 2015 Executive Bureau of UCLG will be held in Porto Alegre (Brazil) from 10 to 12 June. The Executive Bureau is responsible for initiating proposals and carrying out the decisions of the World Council (which is the main policymaking body). It meets twice a year and is in charge of the World Organization’s administrative and financial management. The subjects for discussion during this Bureau will include the contribution of local governments to the Habitat III process (Quito, 2016). 

On this occasion, the UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights will organize a meeting on Friday 12 June from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm on “The Right to the city in the New Global Agenda – Towards Inclusive, Democratic and Sustainable Cities”. 

In this context, local government members of the Committee, representatives from other city networks, and partners from civil society that are members of the Global Platform for the Right to the City, will share their points of view on the Right to the City, in order to strengthen the proposal to include this in the New Global Agenda. The meeting will also aim to define joint and coordinated actions to strengthen the international advocacy strategy, and to influence the definition of the New Global Agenda, which will determine the urban challenges for the coming 20 years.     

This meeting will be led by Patrick Braouezec, President of the Urban Community of Plaine Commune (a suburb of Paris) and Co-President of the Committee, and by Josep Roig, Secretary General of UCLG. Representatives of local authorities from Bogotá, São Paulo, Nanterre, Guarulhos and Canoas will also be represented, as will the Brazilian Association of Municipalities. 

The Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights will present a report to the Executive Bureau to take note of the outcomes of the International Seminar of local governments for the Right to the City and to promote the inclusion of the principles of the Global Charter-Agenda for Human Rights in the city in the advocacy work of the Global Taskforce facilitated by UCLG, towards Habitat III.