
Awards ceremony of the "International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture21"

The awards Ceremony of the first edition of the "International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture21" took place on 12th November 2014. The events were hosted by Mexico City (Mexico).

The aim of the "International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture21" is to recognize leading cities and people that have distinguished themselves through their contribution to culture as a dimension of sustainable development. The initiative proves the leadership of Mexico City in the area of culture and sustainable development and the commitment of UCLG in the recognition of culture as a fundamental dimension in sustainable cities building, with Agenda 21 for culture. The Award features two categories: “City” and “Personality”. The list of candidate cities is available through this map.

The first edition of the "International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture21" was set in 2013 and 2014 under the leadership of the Chief of Government of Mexico City, Ing Miguel Ángel Mancera, and the President of UCLG and Mayor of Istanbul, Dr. Kadir Topbaş.

The winners of the first edition of the "International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture21" are:

-       In the category “City”, the project “Arena da Cultura – Cultural and Artistic Training Programme” presented by the City of Belo Horizonte (Minas Girais, Brazil).

-       In the category “Personality”, the jury decided to name two winners ex-aequo: Manuel Castells and Farida Shaheed.

The jury also attributed two special mentions to the projects presented by the cities of Hannover (Lower Saxony, Germany) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), and identified 29 projects as “good practices” of the implementation of Agenda 21 for culture.

The Award ceremony occurred during the Iberoamerican Forum for Local Governments (11-12 November 2014). The winners attended the event, chaired by the Councilor for culture of the City of Mexico, Mr Eduardo Vázquez, the General Coordinator of International Relations Internationales of the City of Mexico, Mr Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, and the President of the Committee on culture of UCLG, Ms Catherine Cullen. The award Ceremony was opened to the participation of cities, local governments, experts and partners. A detailed programme of the award Ceremony of the International Award UCLG – MEXICO City – Culture 21” is available. A video report will be available soon.

Source: http://www.agenda21culture.net/index.php