
Action Plan 2021 and Annual Report 2020

The UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights is pleased to share with you its Action Plan for 2021, containing the main thematic priorities and networking opportunities for members and partners this year. The Action Plan is the main framework for the strategic articulation of priorities and collective initiatives led by UCLG members on human rights and the right to the city. It offers concrete avenues for supporting, reinventing and expanding local and global agendas linked to these topics, covering in the process more specific priorities such as the right to housing, social inclusion of migrants or the advance of women’s rights.

Attached to this document you will also find the Annual Report of 2020.

Thematic priorities: Human Rights, Right to the City and Social Agenda

As the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an unprecedented social crisis worldwide, the UCLG-CSIPDHR will provide spaces for reinventing social agendas from a local perspective. The follow-up process to the Global Charter Agenda for Human Rights in the City on the 10th anniversary of its adoption by UCLG and the continued dialogue with the UN Human Rights system will be held in connection to these goals, offering paramount opportunities for local governments to shape the future horizons of the human rights cities movement.

Other related initiatives include the drafting process of the GOLD VI report on Urban Equality and the launch of a global observatory to fight violence against women under the leadership of the Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis.

The other main line of action for the Committee this 2021 will be the strengthening of its knowledge sharing and peer learning capacity (Knowledge Hub). This includes the launch of a new UCLG-CSIPDHR website with renovated contents and learning materials, as well as the launch of a MOOC on human rights cities.

The UCLG-CSIPDHR co-presidency is delighted to announce you that the political leadership of the Committee has been reinforced on 2020. Utrecht’s Co-Mayor Linda Voortman and Grigny’s Mayor Philippe Rio are the two new co-presidents of the Committee.

How to participate

Reach the UCLG-CSIPDHR Executive Secretariat to:

  • Express your interest to participate in the events or processes proposed in the Action Plan as a member, partner or interested local representative;
  • Propose your own local events related to the Action Plan priorities (human rights, right to the city, housing…) to be part of this dynamic;
  • Join the UCLG-CSIPDHR active membership and work with its renovated co-presidency in defining the strategic orientation of the network.