
2014 Activities Report

We are pleased to send you the 2014 Activities Report of the UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights. 

The report sums up all the Committee’s activities throughout 2014. This was an intensive working year during which several activities were carried out, among them, the following:

Over the past few years, the Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights has experienced important political and financial changes. In 2014, in particular, the Committee had a very tight budget which slightly limited its capacities for action. In spite of these difficulties, the goals of the 2014 Action Plan were achieved. At the same time, the search for new partnerships with cities allowed the development of the network. Furthermore, the governing structure of the Committee has been changed so that the presidency is now collegial, co-led by all financing contributors.      

However, we would like to inform our members that the 2015 Action Plan has important goals to be reached, and requires the follow-up of the important work initiated for the promotion of a model of urban development based on inclusive and participative cities where human rights are implemented, especially at a moment when those are key messages for the definition of the UN’s New Global Urban Agenda (Habitat III Summit, Quito, 2016). This is why the collaboration of current members, and of all other partners who have an interest in supporting the Committee, in any form, is essential to pursuing the important work initiated by the Committee in previous years. 

2014 Action Plan

2014 Activities Report