
19th IOPD Conference: Save the date (7 – 10 December; Iztapalapa, Mexico City)

The 19th IOPD conference will be held next December 7 to 10 in Iztapalapa, Mexico. The concept note of the event is now available online. Soon the organization will launch a call to participate in the event as a speaker or session facilitator.

“Faced with the intense onslaught of unbridled urban development that is devastating our cities, transforming them into commodities that are beyond the reach of many of their inhabitants and preventing them from being able to fully exercise their rights, the 19th IOPD Conference invites us to reflect on the meaning of Democracy in its deepest sense, along with its intrinsic link with the full exercise of rights in our cities and the strategic tasks that both communities and local governments must push through in order to ensure that living and coexistence in the city will be more human, democratic, sustainable, equitable, fair and solidary (...)

The Conference seeks to stimulate debate and reflection on the importance of, and the key role played by, active citizens’ participation and local democratic governments in the modification of the negative trends of powerful, speculative interests that stand in the way of human rights, preventing tendencies the right to housing and the right to the city; while at the same time aligning the voice of those cities committed to realizing the right to the city; the right of all inhabitants, both male and female, to live in cities that are more human, more habitable, more democratic, fairer and more solidary; and against the commodification thereof, which generates looting, segregation, gentrification and the destruction of the social fabric”

19th IOPD Conference

[ Read the full concept note here ]