Welcome to our Knowledge Hub!
In the Local Policies section you will find a compilation of local government policies on human rights, the right to the city, housing and other key topics for local social inclusion and participatory democracy agendas. Our search engine will allow you to select practices according to more specific categories or types of contents, including more than sixty case studies developed within the Inclusive Cities Observatory initiative (a joint endeavour by the UCLG-CSIPDHR, the University College of London and the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra). The Resources section of this Knowledge Hub gathers useful publications, policy documents, international declarations and valuable learning resources.
We hope you find these resources inspiring: Reach us to know more about any of them!
Cities for Adequate Housing Declaration (2018)
A landmark declaration adopted by more than 40 local governments which brought the right to housing at the heart of local and global agendas.
Local Governments for Human Rights: A Debate with the UN (2019)
A historical event which laid the foundations for a more structural dialogue between the UN and local governments on human rights.
Report on migrant women in cities and the role of local governments (2020)
Summary of discussions held during the 2020 multi-stakeholder dialogue on migrant women in cities.
Housing discrimination and spatial segregation at the local level (2021)
Report developed as a follow-up to the 2021 Consultation on housing discrimination and spatial segregation held with the UN SR on Housing.
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) "Human rights cities in the EU: a framework for reinforcing rights locally" (2021)
Local governments and human rights in Asia (2021)
Report of the consultation event held within the 2021 WHRCF. Regional contribution to the update process of the Global Charter-Agenda.
Local Citizenship and Migration (2021)
Peer Learning note on "Local Citizenship and Migration". It contains local government practices on human rights and participatory democracy.
Barcelona Discrimination Observatory - Annual Report 2021
The Discrimination Observatory of Barcelona has also launched
Local governments' role in tackling violence against women (2021)
Report of the event held within the 2021 WHRCF. First public event of the International Observatory on Violence against Women.
Competitive Metropolises and the Prospects for Spatial Justice (2016)
A transformative approach to metropolization and global agendas: Developed with the LAVUE institute.
25 November - Special Newsletter on Violence against Women
Session “Social Movements and Inclusive Participation in Cities” for the 14th WHRCF in Gwangju
Rethinking Housing Policies (2019)
Harnessing local innovation to address the global housing crisis. A report developed by the GOLD team after UCLG's Wave of Action on Housing.