Welcome to our Knowledge Hub!

In the Local Policies section you will find a compilation of local government policies on human rights, the right to the city, housing and other key topics for local social inclusion and participatory democracy agendas. Our search engine will allow you to select practices according to more specific categories or types of contents, including more than sixty case studies developed within the Inclusive Cities Observatory initiative (a joint endeavour by the UCLG-CSIPDHR, the University College of London and the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra). The Resources section of this Knowledge Hub gathers useful publications, policy documents, international declarations and valuable learning resources.

We hope you find these resources inspiring: Reach us to know more about any of them!


25 November - Special Newsletter on Violence against Women

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Declaration of the City of Bogota: Fourth World Forum of Cities and Territories of Peace

A document that brings together the proposals put forward at the Peace Forum to sign peace between people, for the planet and with the government towards the next edition in Montevideo 2025.

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European Charter for Human Rights in the City

European Charter for the Safeguarding of Human Rights in the City (2001)

The document that scaled-up human rights cities networking in Europe. It was adopted in 2001 in Saint Denis (France) as a follow-up to the Barcelona Cities for Rights Declaration (1998).

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UCLG-CSIPDHR Report on Local Governments and Human Rights

UCLG-CSIPDHR Report on Local Governments and Human Rights (2019)

Developed as a contribution to the OHCHR's 2019 call for contributions on local governments and human rights initiatives.

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Local Governments for Human Rights: A Debate with the UN (2019)

Local Governments for Human Rights: A Debate with the UN (2019)

A historical event which laid the foundations for a more structural dialogue between the UN and local governments on human rights.

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Report: Webinar "LRGs against sexual violence"

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Local governments and human rights in Asia (2021)

Local governments and human rights in Asia (2021)

Report of the consultation event held within the 2021 WHRCF. Regional contribution to the update process of the Global Charter-Agenda.

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UCLG-CSIPDHR case studies for the GOLD VI Report on "Pathways to Equality" (2022)

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UN General Assembly

Role of local government in the promotion and protection of human rights - A/HRC/30/49 (2015)

Report developed by the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, adopted by the Council in 2016.

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Banjul Declaration

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Global Charter-Agenda for Human Rights in the City (2011)

Global Charter-Agenda for Human Rights in the City (2011)

The first collective vision and roadmap by local governments worldwide on what local implementation of human rights meant on the ground and how could it be advanced.

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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) "Human rights cities in the EU: a framework for reinforcing rights locally" (2021)

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@Ayuntamiento de Barcelona

Barcelona Discrimination Observatory - Annual Report 2021

The Discrimination Observatory of Barcelona has also launched

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Bogotá Human Development Plan (2012)

Bogotá Human Development Plan (2012)

A pioneer municipal plan inspired by the rights-based approach which transformed social inclusion policies in Bogotá and influenced the human rights cities movement.

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guide to intercultural competences in public administrations (2021)

Guide to intercultural competences in public administrations (2021)

Developed by four local governments (Bilbao, Tenerife, Castelló and Donostia) within the Intercultural Cities initiative.

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Human Rights Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities

Human Rights Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities (2017)

A publication by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (Council of Europe).

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Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of Montreal

Montreal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (2006)

A landmark innovation for human rights cities, the Montreal Charter redefined the relationship between government and citizens based on rights and duties.

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UN General Assembly

Resolution on Local Governments and Human Rights - A/HRC/39/L.8 (2018)

Resolution on the UN "Local Governments and Human Rights" agenda adopted by the Human Rights Council in 2018.

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