
Culture and Social Inclusion



The first-ever Culture Summit of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) was organised by the City of Bilbao and UCLG from 18 to20 March 2015 and gathered almost 300 participants. Over the three days of the Summit, local leaders and practitioners demonstrated how they are taking the lead in recognising not just the potential of culture, but its absolute necessity for sustainable development. 

During this Summit, the Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights contributed with the Special Session "Culture and social inclusion”, based on the idea that participating in local cultural life is crucial to social inclusion, and discussing how cultural policies can be key to building a critical and active citizenship and strengthening social cohesion.

There has been published a detailed report of the Summit, which gathers the key messages and the main highlights of this 3-day event of exchanges and debates. It is now available online on the website of Agenda 21 for culture.
It was also produced a detailed and complete video of the Summit, featuring its main themes and key messages. The video is now available on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64q9yjcDfYM

The first Culture Summit of UCLG was also the opportunity to formally adopt Culture 21: Actions

For any additional information, please access the official webpage of the event: http://www.uclg-culturesummit2015.org/index.php/en/