
Debating social inclusion at municipal councils

Stemming from the proposal launched by the municipality of Córdoba (Spain) at the 2nd Biannual meeting 2008 of the CSIPD in Istanbul, the City Council of Barcelona has recently fostered a debate within its Municipal Council regarding the document "Let´s build the inclusive cities of the 21st Century". This debate concluded with an official statement unanimously approved by all municipal political groups reaffirming the role of cities in fighting social exclusion and stressing the relevance of international networks of cities in promoting inclusion policies.
This initiative intends to bring the international level debates promoted by UCLG closer to municipal realities. To this end we strongly encourage you to promote these debates in the governments of your cities and to present the document "Let´s build the inclusive cities of the 21st Century" to your Municipal Council.

Through the following link you can find the official statement issued by the Municipal Council of Barcelona, approved on March 27, 2009: